Monday 23 January 2012

Revised Proposal

Due to the limited conceptual options of the Guardian Lions, I have decided to revise the subject of exploration in my dissertation to something a bit more diverse, which will give me the opportunity to examine a broader range of concepts and ideas. The new subject, as hinted in my previous post, will be dragons. The main scope of the proposal will remain the same, as well as the process and time-line:

  1. Research the dragons thoroughly with focus on both history, cultural perception and anatomy. 
  2. Draw a range of concepts and ideas based on the found research and logical conclusions.
  3. Make a final concept/idea complete with references for the modelling stage.
  4. Model a rough 3D dragon figure in 3ds Max.
  5. Export the model to Mudbox, in which I will add further mass and details.
  6. If necessary, pose the model before taking a beauty shot which will be edited in Photoshop.

Due to the extensive range of different dragon species that have occurred throughout cultures and myths, they make a very favourable subject for conceptual designs. Modelling and detailing one will be challenging enough for me to really push my limits, and the vast variety of ideas should make the conceptual process interesting.

Of course, due to the amount of time previously spent to research the Lions, the time-frame for the dissertation is slightly modified, and a few weeks have had to be taken off the Mudbox stage of the project. However, a large quantity of time was already allocated to this particular part of the project, so it shouldn't prove too difficult to still remain on time.

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